- Few programs specifically for faculty leadership development exist within the University of California.
- There is a lack of awareness of the programs that are available.
- Many faculty at the University of California do not receive formal development before stepping into their first leadership role, reducing their potential effectiveness.
- Many faculty are interested in leadership development, but current high-level administrators often assume this is not the case.
- A lack of a systematic, transparent processes for identifying new faculty leaders tends to reduce the representation of individuals from underrepresented groups, including women and faculty of color.
- A lack of clear pipelines for advancement may lead valued faculty to leave UC to attain these opportunities elsewhere.
- While many faculty are interested in leadership opportunities, there are few ways to develop needed skills for success.
- Following an “accidental” path into leadership roles, such as being appointed Department Chair with little or no preparation can lead to overall negative perceptions of these roles.
- The process for being considered for a leadership role is often ad hoc and nontransparent.
- Time and other academic pressures are significant barriers to interest in leadership development programming.
- The University may not recognize or reward faculty who spend time on leadership development.
- Women and members of minority groups are less likely to self-select for leadership roles.