

An integral part of a leadership development program is building content that is relevant and meaningful for the participants. Offering standardized workshop modules which include the same content and delivery model for all audiences – i.e. faculty, administrators and etc., can be effective for certain topics; however, for the greatest impact it is recommended that content be tailored to address the needs of its faculty.

Below are several suggested program templates, or “menu selections,” developed to address different programming needs. Each menu provides a summary description of what the program would entail, who the best audience would be for the program, the benefits and limitations of such an approach, the potential program topics to cover, and suggestions for content delivery.

Menu Selections

  • Cohort-Based Leadership Academy
  • Description: Prestigious, intensive leadership development program for new aspiring faculty leaders.

    Audience: Mid-career faculty who are nominated by a senior campus/location leader, or self-nominate, evaluated by a selection committee.

    Benefits: Systematic, transparent process for identifying promising leaders. Pipeline of leadership academy alumni well prepared for future leadership positions. Creates a culture of development. Recognizes individuals who have participated. Builds cohorts of connected faculty who have shared a common experience and can continue to network. Limitations: Significant time and financial investment required by the institution and participants.

    Potential topics:
    · Full suite of Interpersonal Skills topics
    · Full suite of Professional Skills topics
    · Most of the UC fundamentals
    · Panel presentations
    · Leader interviews
    · Cohort experiential group project

    Content delivered: Combination of a vendored program (or program developed in-house with expertise), with participation of current faculty administrators (or staff experts) in panels, leader interviews, presentation of UC-focused topics.
  • Aspiring Faculty Administrators
  • Description: 60-90 minute self-guided learning modules on a variety of leadership topics, available to any faculty member interested in participating (with a mix of readings, video presentations, and pre- post-test assessment). Possibility of acknowledgement of course “completion” after participation in a certain number of modules.

    Audience: Any faculty member interested, can serve as new information, or a refresher for a faculty member not currently serving in a leadership role, or for someone in a leadership role with perceived gaps in knowledge.

    Benefits: Limited overall time investment for the institution; once the modules are built they only have to be updated periodically. Available to any and all faculty interested, at any stage of the career. Modules created specifically for the institution.

    Limitations: Not as thorough as other options, lacks depth and interaction. No cohort or community. Lacks prestige. May not serve as an adequate pipeline in and of itself because completing a module does not necessarily mean that expertise has been gained.

    Topics: All modules could be included, and more!

    Content delivered: Work with a vendor or campus expert to create the modules (calling on expertise of different campus individuals as needed).