Program Considerations

Program Considerations

“What value does the organization place in the program?”

Programs with full institutional buy-in and support from senior leaders appear to be more successful and have greater impact.

Key factors in determining organizational value include:

  • Program Eligibility
  • Programs with a competitive and transparent selection process are typically seen as more meaningful and prestigious by the faculty. Two common attributes include: 1) a defined, transparent, and equitable participant nomination process - nomination by executive administrator and co-signed by department chair/leader, as well as the opportunity to self-nominate; and 2) an open, transparent, and equitable selection committee. Creating a fair process for identifying, selecting and celebrating the participants is crucial for establishing the program’s credibility. Here, “how” may be just as important as “who.”
  • Campus Commitment and Faculty Incentives
  • The two most cited barriers to participation in leadership development are time and money. Ensuring the program’s success requires purposeful and creative support from both administrative and academic leaders.
    - To help address these barriers consider the following potential incentives:
    - Service credit in merits and promotions for participation in intensive development programs.
    - Teaching reduction/clinical coverage to allow faculty the time to participate in program sessions and related activities.
    - Department, school/college, or central campus salary support to allow faculty to participate, including:
        - clinical or teaching reduction of offset, stipends, or grants.
  • Visibility of the Program
  • Most faculty on campus should know about the program and feel it is an important mechanism for preparing future leaders at the institution.

    Suggestions for program visibility include:

    The program information is prominently and professionally displayed on a website and linked to from several others.

    The program participants selected as the next cohort are highlighted and announced on the campus/location website (for example, “The new Provost’s Faculty Fellows for the prestigious Leadership Academy have been selected for the 2018-19 academic year.” Provide a list and brief bios of all participants.

    The program is discussed by senior leaders at retreats, meetings, and by leaders at all levels.

    The nomination process is public and widely advertised, with senior leaders encouraging faculty to apply for consideration.

    Past cohorts are listed on the website.
  • Program Follow-Up
  • Consider ways to maximize the engagement of faculty who have participated in leadership programming. Suggestions include:

    Gather program alumni together periodically to maintain the positive connections and networking of the cohort.

    Publicly recognize faculty who have completed the program – department/division meetings, grand rounds, town hall events.

    Provide ongoing opportunities for graduates, such as leader shadowing, executive committee participation, peer mentoring, etc.

    Look to the list of participants when considering leaders for open administrative positions!


Next – Program Evaluation