Campus/Department Climate Issues, Equity and Inclusion

Campus/Department Climate Issues, Equity and Inclusion

What are the goals of the module?

The goal of this module is to prepare faculty administrators to be effective leaders for equity and inclusion on their campus. They should understand the importance and value of a positive, welcoming, equitable climate as it supports the sense of belonging and success of all campus populations; and understand common types of climate and equity and inclusion issues. They should know how to apply and where to find relevant information, such as: Campus Principles of Community (or equivalent); demographic and other informational profiles of the department/unit/college/school/campus; results of department/unit/college/school/campus climate surveys; and recent climate issues or challenges.

Who is the audience for the module?

New or recent faculty administrators

Why is the topic important?

Campus and systemwide climate surveys continue to find that individuals from some groups (e.g., women, minorities, LGBTQ individuals, veterans, individuals with disabilities) experience the University in less positive ways than others. This includes students at all levels, staff, and faculty. The faculty body of the University is disproportionately male and disproportionately white compared to the availability of others. While we all must play a role in making the institution equitable and inclusive, faculty administrators have a uniquely important responsibility to address climate issues.

Suggested options for module delivery

Presentation and case discussions, in-person discussion of climate issues and concerns

Scenarios for discussion

  • A new department chair learns that the recent campus climate survey showed that black students in the department have significantly higher rates of feelings of exclusion, and harassment and discrimination compared to white students and other students of color.
  • Women faculty contact the Dean of a School to discuss impressions that male faculty are paid higher salaries, advance more quickly, and receive fewer time-consuming service jobs.
  • Staff in a department describe feeling marginalized and bullied by some of the senior faculty; despite seeking support the department chair rejects their claims.

Resources for developing the module and recommended prerequisites


Primary Category
