Budgeting and Finance
What are the goals of the module?
The goal of this module is to prepare faculty administrators for their budgetary and financial responsibilities in the context of the budgeting processes of both their campus and the University of California system as a whole. Department Chairs or comparable administrators are responsible for a wide range of financial decisions, including recommending merit and promotion increases for academic appointees, allocating funds for departmental activities, maintaining and managing an annual budget. Their ability to successfully plan and execute an annual department budget is a crucial component of the overall fiscal state of their campus and the University of California.
Who is the audience for the module?
New or recently appointed faculty administrators
Why is the topic important?
Department Chairs must prepare the budget and administer the financial affairs of the department, in accordance with University procedures.
Suggested options for module delivery
A short course or seminar that provides the basics of the annual Campus budget planning cycle, including processes for decisionmaking on how University fiscal priorities are set and maintained, and the broader State of California and University of California systemwide budget process.
The module may include a glossary of budget terminology, and could also include the development of a “desk reference” or website that Administrators can return to for reference. This website can include links to specific campus and UC systemwide resources, which could include:
- Campus Finance & Budget Office policy documents, worksheets, planning and reporting tools, schedules, best practices, memos, contacts
- UCOP and Campus policies covering travel regulations, entertainment expenses, meetings and conferences, whistleblower protections
- Campus Conflict of Interest policies and training
- Campus policies on donor and fund stewardship, including endowed chairs, gift acknowledgement, policies covering naming agreements, and other development topics
- Campus HR contacts and policies regarding salary, benefits, etc.
- UCOP compensation policy
For new Department Chairs, the fundamentals of Academic Department budget planning could be included as a separate short module, including case studies and examples of best practices from other Departments.
Scenarios for discussion
Case studies and/or instructional scenarios of Department budgeting dilemmas, difficult-to-resolve questions
Resources for developing the module
- UCOP Office of the Chief Financial Officer
- UCOP Budget Analysis and Planning Department
- Systemwide Budget Manual
- UCSD Department Chair’s Toolkit: Administration, Business, and Finance
- Budgets in Higher Education -- The Keys to Successful Financial Management
Recommended prerequisites