Running Effective Meetings
What are the goals of the module?
The goal of this module is for participants to acquire new skills, or refresh or rethink current skills that will enable them to run effective and productive meetings with clear outcomes.
Who is the audience for the module?
Faculty who aspire to leadership roles; new faculty administrators; experienced leaders looking for a refresher.
Why is the topic important?
Being able to run meetings effectively is one of the hallmarks of successful leaders. Faculty administrators spend a large proportion of their working hours either running or participating in meetings. Knowing how to use this time well to set priorities, accomplish goals, and engage, inspire, and connect requires flexibility, openness, and collaboration. While seemingly a simple skill, the ability to run truly effective meetings could be considered one of the unsung heroes of strong leadership skills.
Suggested options for module delivery
In-person workshop led by experienced facilitators, including role playing and discussion of case examples.
Scenarios for discussion
- A group you lead meets on a monthly basis to discuss and make decisions with wide-ranging potential impacts for the campus. One senior member of the group consistently “railroads” discussions to focus on the priorities he feels are most important.
- You are the Co-Chair of a standing committee and facilitate the agreed upon agenda each time. Each month many of the preceding topics appear on the agenda, with seemingly little progress made over time. Regular committee meeting attendance begins to drop off.
- The facilitator for a team meeting you attend spends the majority of the time talking, and little time listening or gathering feedback about others’ ideas.
Resources for developing the module and recommended prerequisites
- How to Run a Meeting, by Antony Jay, Harvard Business Review, 1976.
- 14 Tips for Leading a More Effective Meeting, by Forbes Coaches Council, Forbes, 2016.