The Faculty Administrator in the Public Eye: Engaging the Media and More
What are the goals of the module?
The goals of this module are to prepare faculty administrators to be the “public face” of their department or unit. They will develop awareness of the importance of engendering credibility through a candid, values-based approach to public engagement. They will learn best practices in presentations, media interactions, social media, op-eds, crisis management and how to plan a long-term communications strategy.
Who is the audience for the module?
Faculty administrators of university departments, schools, colleges, units, and centers.
Why is the topic important?
As the public face of a campus unit, faculty administrators need a compelling narrative about how the campus’ distinct missions and values serve its academic and civic communities. The way administrators handle these public conversations can significantly influence how their institution is perceived. A transparent, ethical approach to engagement with the public will build trust and further enhance the credibility of the campus with all its constituents.
Suggested options for module delivery
Presentations and case discussions, interactive public speaking, and media training, readings.
Scenarios for discussion
A senior faculty member in your department has published a major paper in a high-impact scientific journal. While the research has been widely praised, its applications have raised ethical questions that have seized the imagination of the public. Suddenly, the faculty member and your college are facing questions and concerns from the campus community, alumni, and the mainstream media.
Resources for developing the module
- Media Relations, CASE (Council for Advancement and Support of Education)
- Media training, UC Berkeley
- Media resources, UCSF
- Storytelling for Leadership, Berkeley Executive Coaching Institute
Recommended prerequisites
New or current faculty administrators for a campus department, college, school, center or unit.