Survey of Interpersonal Communication Topics
What are the goals of the module?
Setting or influencing direction was cited by mid-career UC faculty as an incentive to pursue administrative leadership positions. For these positions, good communication, the ability to build trust, and the capacity to empower and inspire others are common attributes associated with success.
Who is the audience for the module?
- Mid-career faculty aspiring to an administrative position
- Recent Department Chairs, Deans, or Vice Provosts
- Experienced administrators seeking to refresh or enhance their skills
Why is the topic important?
Leadership literature and feedback from UC administrators and faculty underscores the need for faculty leaders to demonstrate strong communication and people management skills to influence, shape and accomplish university priorities through effective, inclusive interactions. The objective for this module is to introduce the principles and practices of interpersonal skills and competencies, including:
- Communicating and listening effectively
- Collaborative decision-making
- Conflict management
- Receiving, giving, and effectively using feedback
- Authenticity, trust, and emotional intelligence
Suggested options for module delivery
A series of small group, 1-3 hour sessions for each topic, facilitated by subject matter experts, including skill building through experiential learning exercises and scenarios, to be supplemented with readings/videos, reflective writing and practice guides.
Resources for developing the module
- Collaborative negotiation, conflict resolution
- Conflict resolution, negotiation, cultural intelligence, emotional intelligence, public speaking
- Dispute resolution and mutual Interest negotiation: Getting to Yes: How to Negotiate without Giving in, by Roger Fisher, William Ury and Bruce Patton, Penguin Books, 1991
- Understanding and being understood, dealing with difficult people
- Effective interactions, communication across all human differences, engaging with intercultural conflict
- Communication Competencies
- Emotional Intelligence, Why it Can Matter More than IQ, by Daniel Goleman, Bantam Books, 1995
- Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others, by Steven Beebe, Susan Beebe and Mark Redmond, Pearson, 2017.
- Resolving Conflicts at Work: Ten Strategies for Everyone on the Job, by Kenneth Cloke and Joan Goldsmith, Wiley, 2011
- “The Art of Giving and Receiving Criticism.” Looking Out/Looking In, by Ronald B. Adler and Russell F. Proctor II, Cengage Learning, 2013
Recommended prerequisites
Group or collaboration lead, committee service, new or current faculty administrator